Blinded truth: The hidden facts about religion
Charles Ekuma

Blinded truth: The hidden facts about religion

Charles Ekuma

10 months ago

I believe in the existence of God but religion itself doesn't sit right with me. Am an idealist who prefers fact and logic over theoritical way of reason. In my own formalities /perspective, religion is a pattern which was established to extort and exploit the shallow mind's of the Masses, leading to mental slavery ( sociological and psychological Enslavery ) - ( modern day slavery )The willingness of the mind to accept a pattern of practice being introduced to destabilize an existing process. This article highlights the deformity and primitive deception religion portrays.


It baffles me the way people blindly accept formulated doctrines and teachings of the old world that was programmed in an idiological manner with solely one reason capitalism. The westerners have imprinted this model of exploration in Africa in such a strategical process even to an extent of recruiting African's in the name of doing the lord's work hiding the conception of it's actual existence /establishment.

It is particularly sad when you consider that we are living in an advanced era of scientific knowledge and discovery that has proven beyond any doubt how our universe was formed and the mysteries of our hostile environment that so bamboozled our distant ancestors.

Way back when in the dark and unenlightened times of early civilization , when earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, blight and plagues etc killed thousands of people, there was no answers as to why these cataclysmic events happened. People back then didn't have the scientific understanding to explain them and consequently, they incorrectly assumed they were been punished by a god for there sins. To make matters worse, self-appointed (opportunist) religious leaders seized upon the fear's of the narrow minded to ram horn the dire implications of upsetting god. Fervent praying for attornment was required along with offer's of gold/money because as we all know even today_gods needs lot's of cash ( Men in disguise). Back to point though, as humanities progress to higher intelligence which has lead to a thorough understanding of the world around us meaning we can explain scientifically the events which so terrified our ancestors.


As religion always portray these events, it's not God who causes the untold suffering of millions nor is it God who instructs idiots ( the world) over to murder people in his name. God isn't telling his followers to throw gays off a rooftop or burn them. These acts of premeditated evils are the product of religious inventory invented by men and twisted by religious fanatics, no difference to the charlatans who were operating 3000years ago.

Religion is and always has been about two thing's CONTROL and FEAR. Aside from the fact that religion is still around another sad truth to me is that people are still zombie-blinded to follow a religion when there is zero evidence of the god their religion readers to. Yahweh that christians refer to as Jesus (Yeshua” which translates to English as Joshua) the son of God is actually an ancient Levantine deity, and national god of the Israelite kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Though no consensus exists regarding the deity's origins, scholars generally contend that Yahweh emerged as a "divine warrior" associated first with Seir, Edom, Paran and Teman, and later with Canaan. The stunning level of ignorance displayed by the religious who disregard science in favour of something there isn't a single shred of proof of. I find that quite disturbing!

This can on occasion cause contention between myself and my mother ( who is a true believer of Christ ). Is arbitrary as believing in the tooth fairy or Santa Claus. I find it ridiculous.

Fortunately as time has matched on, perspectives have slowly started to change. The world is now a very small place and people with knowledge at there fingertips can investigate for themselves the Truths of there beliefs and many are starting to realize that religion might be just a claptrap after all.

Religion is in clear decline and it's accelerating. This is why extremist are killing people. There tenuous grasp on power through fear is failing which means they are having to resort to ever more grotesque methods to make there point. It won't work in the long run because tyranny never does. As 21st century civilization progresses ever forward, pushing further in to religious backwaters, the more people will wake up to an educated view of it's existence as opposed to accepting insubstantial whimsy as proof of there god's existence.


There will always be those who will refute fact and fervently believe in religious fanatics. That's fine and if they are peaceful and do not impinge their views on those who trust and prefer fact ( science) and discovery _they are welcome to there beliefs. I still believe that even in a million years religion will still be around for the true worshipers and those who are either cut off from civilization or who reside within the last bastion of religious stronghold.

10 months ago

Peace chetachukwu  Alor

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