Kingsley Bassey Ukpong@kingsleybasseyukpong131493
8 months ago
Here we stand
On this battle battered ground
Amidst the dusts of fallen heroes
Slain by death's invisible sword
The fashioned steel sword
The hardened blacksmith.
Here we stand
Ready to battle our last breathe
In flight with wearied shadows
Whence knows no fate
The regions beyond death's shore
Where gray aloof the streak of light evades.
Here we stand
Wearied and haggered
Roughed and ragged by hate
Yes, hate! O fallen comrades,
These wandering spirits, these dusts
Denied entrance to the afterlife.
Here we stand
And pour libations to the demons of our souls
Upon these altars of decaying bones
Our pious sacrifices, these rivers of blood crisscrossing the battlefield
A pious token to the god of decay
In this feast of death to honour our arrival from the chaos of life.
Here we stand.