Amada Paul Israel

Bad Governance

Amada Paul Israel

5 months ago

In the halls of governance, corruption doth fester,
Where greed and deceit do sow seeds of ill.
The people doth suffer 'neath the burden of falsehoods,
As democracy crumbles, hope doth wither.

Ill governance doth preside, casting a dark shadow,
Justice is vanquished, virtue is forgotten.
The treasury lies barren, while the rich grow wealth,
And the pleas of the downtrodden are disregarded.

Yet we do rise, united and steadfast,
To demand reparation, to rectify the wrongs.
For we shan't be silenced, we shan't be swayed,
We shall strive for justice, resolute and unafraid.

Let us stand together, against the scourge of corruption,
For a future brighter, for those in need.
Let our voices resound, let our actions be valiant,
For in the presence of tyranny, truth shall prevail.


5 months ago

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