Miss Teensy


Miss Teensy

30 days ago

Auriela is a quiet girl. Has a strong desire for knowledge and lives a fruitful life. But things did not turn out as she desired.
She was oppressed by negative thoughts and opposing ideas about life. These opposing ideas about life lead her to believe confusing ideas and thoughts of what and how people live.

Lives of people seem good to her , however they may be. But inside herself she hears conflicts and arguments that makes achieving success very difficult.

She observed and watched intently but many misunderstood her. They disturbed and seek only their own interest.
The forces of ignorance that exist does not bother them at all. How unhappy it must have made Auriela feel not to see anyone around her talk to her in a friendly manner and tone.

However, she accepted the challenges though it was painful and overwhelmed her not to have known how to respond earlier.
She could also learn and know as every other child can but the ideas have stigmatised and excluded her.
It seems as if Auriela has no power over anything and anything she possesses could not be hers.

The strengths she was to possess seems to have been taken away by very strong groups who defy humanity. How would she reclaim her strengths and recover all she lost?

Auriela began to have doubts about her true identity. She was told about where she was born by her mother and father who were not able to train her up properly.

She doubts if they were her true parents. Noticing how other children were around their parents and siblings.

Auriela was stigmatised and had a low self esteem and little relationship existed between her and others.

Even though many knew her there was no real communication and friendship. What is the truth behind her birth?
#NircleStories#Africanchallenges #Nigeria

30 days ago

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