All You Would Ever Need
Oluchi Akam@oluchiakam
1 year ago
As a teenage Christian, I had always thought I never had enough of God to step out and do the good works; Jesus who is the pattern son did.
I wondered why Jesus would say 'We would do greater things than He did' when I couldn't even be bold enough to share the gospel with someone else because I wondered what I would tell them.
I spent my spiritual growth time paying attention to my morals(an obligatory factor in life). I paid attention to things that never did matter in manifesting the God-Life. Someone once said we be careful at succeeding in things that do not matter in Life.
Living right is an obligation not a Christian thing. It's a human thing.
If you see it as an achievement then I suppose you're succeeding at things that do not matter in Life.
All in the name of tarrying, I waited for God to fill me more. Till I met someone who knew someone that knew the simplicity of the Gospel.
The Gospel was and is 'Believe' and 'Go Ye'.
I now live like the God man I am cause I know I carry the fullness of God. I have God in abundance. He gave me all of Himself when I believed.
I want You to heed this words 'Believe and Go Ye'. You are more than what you Think. There's more to God and Man.