sir write man


sir write man

1 year ago


AFRICANA was her name
That was the name her parents gave her
She was indeed a black beauty
Endowed with glorious gifts
The angels must have been quite jealous
when the creator was creating this beautiful masterpiece

AFRICANA was a black Sapphire
A black diamond
A black garnet
A black tourmaline
A black spinel
A black pearl
A black gemstone

AFRICANA was one of us
Part of us
Same with us
Equal with us
She was us
We were her

In the process of life
AFRICANA mingled with the others
That in itself was not a mistake
The mistake was AFRICANA did not know her worth
She failed to understand her identity

In the course of time
She was made to feel inferior
She felt worthless
She felt useless

She saw them as superior
She saw things through their eyes
They controlled her mind with their sweet coated mouth

All of a sudden
she came back home
Boldly declaring that she was now AMERICANA
She also tried to convince us toe her path

Despite warnings from the grey hairs and sage
AFRICANA went on to fight against the Creator
She washed off her beautiful black cover using concoctions

And at the end of the day
We did not whether she was AFRICANA or AMERICANA
She was neither black or white
She also had a touch of red on her
The sun became her enemy
She lost her originality
And this cause the merriments the skies witnessed in the house of her friendly foes.

#e_i_victor #sir_write_man #poems #poetry #literature #black_beauty #glorious_gift #angels #masterpiece #africana #americana #black_sapphire #diamond #garnet #tourmaline #spinel #pearl #gemstone #identity #inferior #worthless #sweet_coated_mouth

1 year ago

Bornfaith  Godstime

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