A sweet message to MY MINE MINE
Reubendaniel  Joy

A sweet message to MY MINE MINE

Reubendaniel Joy

1 year ago

My love, let's walk down the memories lane a bit. On the day you woo me in your knight shinning armour. The teasing and laughing keep replaying in my mind like an endless series. You are the brightest soul I've met, irrespective of your scars. You are more than a life partner, something like a best friend that I get to call “MY MAN”. indeed, our love bloom in unexpected places and faces as you made my heart discover esprit and purpose. Now, we're the rivers of the each other. And whenever we find ourselves in a topsy-turvy Journey, we will walk it like an imperfectiful travellers. I believe our harvest of joy will be worth more than gold.
Besides I am your JOY, remember?
Joy Reuben Daniels.


1 year ago

Reubendaniel  Joy eberechukwu  Okoro Amarachi  Anastasia  Okoro Godson  Nwachukwu

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Amarachi Anastasia Okoro @amarachiokoro
beautiful couple
1 year ago

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Reubendaniel Joy @reubendanieljoy066189
thank you
11 months ago