Bonjoru Rejoice@rejoicebonjoru247785
1 month ago
Once I, bound by shackles of self-doubt,
Lies in my head, a relentless rout.
"You can never be enough, or important," they'd say,
A constant whisper, night and day.
Guilt, a visitor, uninvited and cold,
Flashbacks of wrongs, a story often told.
Foolish, wicked, careless, the labels would stick,
My mistakes, a rush of adrenaline, a never-ending trick.
Fears, a chorus, "You cannot do this, do not try,
You'll fail, you'll die, no one has succeeded, why should you?"
Disbelief, a shroud, "Nothing good can happen to me,
Such is my fate".
Pain, a weight, injuries from harsh words, lies, and betrayal,
Disappointments, failures, loss, a heart that's lost its way.
Trauma, injuries that never healed, nor forgotten.
My failures, a burden, sinking me, overwhelming, and rotten.
So long is the the register,
Every bit of it, noted,
No detail, not jotted.
Tired, drained, overwhelmed, I searched for help,
And help I did receive, for many hands stretched out to lift.
Holding the key to ease the weight I carried,
To set me free from bondages, shackles that had pressed me low.
But how am I to take the key and set myself free
When my hands are bound to the rest of my body?