Jatau Lumumba@lumumbajatau995415
1 month ago
Where can I hide,
These thoughts are so wild,
And brazen in appearance?
They have caused me grief
And invited sorrows uninvited.
They brought torment
In droves of emotions
Emotions that prick consciousness
Then leaves it numb like the nerves of a leper.
I took them to a bank
The manager murmured,
"These are no legal tender,
We can't keep them here."
I took them to a funeral parlour
The undertaker cursed me out.
"You fool, not here.
These things will resurrect."
I was left with them in misery
Drained and bewildered by them.
Then a mystic Sufi said,
"Get a Pen and Paper."
"And to what?" I asked disrespectfully.
"And hide them in a poem."
The Mystic Sufi replied calmly.
#hellonircle #poetry #nirclestories #neighbors #feed #blog