Muthoni Ivy@ivymuthoni709024
1 month ago
The most intense lessons I carried with me
How i remember you, us
It's okay because ours was a current that swept us off the ground to the shore
Except it wasn't a soft landing
The flames were bright, burned strong
But the thing with flames is they die out eventually
And with flames we were bound to get burned
The scars I carry with me
I share my space with them because they settled
We made a pact that they'd never hurt
You, you must have figured a way around that too
The way I see it you're thriving, good for you
You taught me how to swim with the sharks
You said they wouldn't bite,
They didn't but you did
You prepared me for a blow you set up
I made my comeback but why did it become a game?
Two hearts growing fonder
Two people growing apart
A little life but worth it I say
Now look at how we repel, not with resentment but the changes of the effect of our breakup
For I still admire your work
And you, you love my poetry