A Baby's Babe
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

A Baby's Babe

Lambe-Rohi Bethel-Gold

2 months ago

Day 7

Hi everyone, I am not someone who likes farming or getting my hands dirty to farm but I do appreciate a nice-looking garden.

I took a subject (compulsory) in secondary school and it's agricultural science.

So, I'll be sharing a bit knowledge I derived from how to care for your garden.

First, what we must have in mind when we want to grow our garden is to locate the right spot for this little baby. Ensure the place can easily get the needed air and water it can get.

You have to water them regularly enough for them to grow and not drown.

Look out for snakes that might creep in. There's an anti-snake plant I heard of, you can plant around and in between to solve this issue.

Make sure to weed out plants that will harm your garden. Twigs, thorns etc. check out for these things just so your garden stays alive and healthy.

I think with the above I listed, I mentioned some major parts to keep your garden healthy and grow your garden too

Thank you for reading and I appreciate you all for sticking around

Let's meet in the next post :)

Photo credit: Bower & Branch - .com%2Fblogs%2Flandscape-design%2Fcreative-corner-garden-ideas&psig=AOvVaw08GFBGnOg3CwkmkwWF6nQR&ust=1734030849181000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCMCr7rq2oIoDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAW


2 months ago

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