9-5’ers BREATHEE!
The penwoman_A.P@thepenwoman158143
2 months ago
If it’s your first time back to your 9-5 or full resumption today here’s your subtle reminder to BREATHE.
Let’s face it: there’s no such thing as a perfect work-life balance. It’s just life, and it’s messy. Our personal experiences seep into our work, and vice versa, sometimes uplifting, sometimes draining. A stellar day at work can leave you on cloud nine, while a chaotic morning of getting a bus to work getting the kids ready can leave you feeling distant by the time you step into the office.
The myth that we can simply switch off our personal lives and show up at work with 100% focus every day? That’s a fairy tale. It’s time we let go of that unrealistic expectation, both for ourselves and for those around us.
Life can be stressful, and sometimes all we need to do is be present in this moment,nothing more. It’s not too much to ask, and within that presence lies a wealth of peace and contentment if we can just keep our minds anchored in "the now." How exactly does your body feels now?
As Matthew 6:34 reminds us, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”
In a world that often pushes us to do more, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of urgent emails, endless conference calls, and overflowing to-do lists. But remember: the work will always be there. The stresses of life, the tasks left undone they are constants. How we respond to them, however, is the variable.
So as you dive back into the day-to-day, remember to cater for you first, Love yourself so much, you teach other how to.The work will still be waiting for you. Take a breath, virtual hugs.
You’ve got this!