3 Generation of Writers: Name a Writer in Any of These 3 Generations
Nircle Story

3 Generation of Writers: Name a Writer in Any of These 3 Generations

Nircle Story

1 year ago

The first writer is from the classical era, dressed in elegant 18th-century clothing, sitting at a vintage writing desk with a quill pen in hand. Name a writer in this generation:

The second writer is from the mid-20th century, wearing stylish attire from that era and typing on a classic typewriter. Name any writer in this generation.

The third writer is a modern-day author, casually dressed and typing on a sleek laptop. (Name any modern author....)

They are all surrounded by floating, glowing words, symbolizing their timeless contributions to literature.

#Story #Writers #forumgames

1 year ago

Oruaro Egboje Becky Oludayo Peleowo

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Agbinya Mario Gabriel @agbinyamariogabriel183767
1. Emma Smith 2. David Jones 3. Sarah Lee
1 year ago

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Taiwo Emmanuel @emmanueltaiwo863879
1. Alexander Pope 2. Jack Kerouac 3. David Foster Wallace
1 year ago

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Destiny Joseph @josephdestiny597391
It would almost be an impossible task to accurately capture renowned writers and poets through the 18th, mid-20th centuries and our modern day. However, the following are significant contributors to the world of poetry and writing across the above-mentioned generations and timeline. 1. 18th Century: Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) Jane Austen (1775-1817) William Blake (1757-1827) Voltaire (1694-1778) 2. Mid-20th Century: Charles Dickens (1812-1870) writer of Oliver twist J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973): Creator of the epic fantasy world of Middle-earth and "The Lord of the Rings" 3. Modern day writers Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Francine Rivers ....most importantly, Me, JOSEPH DESTINY UGBDEDOJO
1 year ago

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Nircle Story @nirclestory
Thanks for sharing
11 months ago