Amirat Folaranmi
1 year ago
What if all this are just futility that put efforts to vain?
Taking it like an observation. It is common thing , mostly with the people around here.
Some Christian believers belief that ; life without Christ is a living dead, that Jesus Christ is the son God sent to save people. So, others are not going to heaven without believing in Jesus.
Likewise, some Muslims also belief that; other religions are perishing ways because, it all got to associate something with Allah (God), in one way or the other. And, as the religion's strict command, Allah does not associate anything with HIM, and, does not give anyone the grace of doing so!
While, some others hold on to their belief and respect other people's belief. Right! In as much that the religion does not support illegal or immoral things.
Those that use object and things are not recognized. Perhaps, partially do.
Whereas, there are some that does not belief in God's existence thus, does give a damn!
But, this always struck my mind " Y'all does not know God's plan." And, this is just it.
He is capable of destroying other religions leaving one that is HIS, but, he does not. So, who are you (we) to criticize?
And of course, no specific religion is stated as a way to heaven or way to hell, everyone just believed it that; his/hers is the holiest. And, that's well respected. But, do not relegate others'.
Judging people's religion with their behavior or attitude is very wrong! Which is where I'm coming to.
Bad attitude and conclusion is not in respect of any religion morality, instead, it is individual immorality.
Only that, if you're a good believer, religion with almost all the bad behaviors, if not all from you.
You know, it might just be self religious dedication to any way we belief in, that is needed.
Your hidden and public sacrifice to your belief, your behavior towards others, within and and outside you religion, your personal behavior, the weigh of your religion in your heart, how committed are you to God?
Have you done these self?