Eneojo Eikwu James
1 year ago
If you are not born again, the devil must have being using you to perpetrate evil big time.
if you serve Satan on earth and fail to repent before your death, you will be damned in hell after the impartial judgement of God.
Repent today, believe in Christ Jesus the Son of God and Confess your sins to God for forgiveness, forsake all your sinful lifestyles, thoughts and friends (for the main time), fellowship with bible believing Church, groom yourself in personal bible study and prayers to God Almighty. Ask question from the Godly on the topics you find difficult or don't understand.
I pray for you today, the hand of God change your situation positively in the name of Jesus Christ. I pray the stretch of His Holy hand for your advantage in the name of Jesus. receive help from God for your condition in the name of Jesus Christ. I pray the healing hand of Jehova Rapha free you today in Jesus name, all the contention against your life is destroyed through the intervention of Jehova Sabaoth. I pray grace to live victoriously over sin, Satan and self rest on you today in the name of Jesus Christ. soar in the love of God through Christ Jesus. If you have question for me, don't hesitate to drop it in the comment box, God bless and keep you.