1 year ago
Chapter 2
Setting: London street-Aba 2024.
(Moon light shining at the kiss of the night).
'Please, auntie Louise tell me a story"
' I'm not healthy of mind, to tell stories'
'Since when did you, escape talking?'
'I pick no offense, when I'm called a talkative in my absence, but not in my presence!;you grown foetus!'.
'Honetly, talking is cool'
Louise seeing Avacado (Papaya's right hand) waving at her.
' I'm sorry for ruining your evening, the boy is my girlfriend's younger brother' Avacado said.
'And you have no other place to take him for fun, is here; my house' Louise ranting.
'He is right, you know'
'You look more beautiful when talking'
'And it is a compliment' Avacado added.
Louise stood silent and shy.
'You have a girl friend' Louise cut in.
'Ok, if I cannot have you, at least give the boy a story'
'Can you do that?'
'What is his name?' Louise asking.
'His name is NOOBIE HUNTER'
Louise felt a chilled breeze in the atmosphere.
'Humans should mind the names they give themselves, soon GOVERNOR would become someone's real name'
' I will give him a befitting story, I promise'
Louise taking her time glancing at what he was wearing.
'Noobie Hunter!' Louise called the young boy.
'Yes, have you changed your mind?' Noobie asking.
'I will ignore that question' Louise responded.
'Grab two seats one for me, and another for you'
'Done' NOOBIE HUNTER replied.
NOOBIE left her presence, and returned with two seats, both sat for a while looking at each other.
'The name of this story is POWER BANK'
'Really?, i think you are old enough to come up with something better'
'Shut up, and listen'
'Else this story will not be the point of our conversation?'
'Summarize the stroy in a jiffy, I'm turned off' NOOBIE soliloquies.
''The main character is a SEDUCER, and the villian happens to be a GOLD DIGGER, the end'.
'Come on, do not do this to me' NOOBIE pleading like a baby.
'Stupid brat' Louise cursed and walked
'But i gave you a chance!' NOOBIE lamenting.
______THE END______