Amara Igbokwe
1 year ago
Unlike the other days, I had a companion today.
I Was so encumbered in assigning priorities for the day,
That I didn't see him frolicking around my front door
Waiting for his cue to come in...
And he did, prancing in like he owned the place in
ruffled jeans; the kind that resembled the feathers of a malnourished duckling from the swamp.
Although, his contour casted ripples on my retina initially, it took form with time and I was able to see him in all his quintessence; beauteous and appealing to my senses.
My eyes succeeded his gait and my legs were confounded by his compelling force that they didn't know when they followed...
I found myself seated on the couch beside him;
Eyes fixated so much so that I could feel them drilling holes in his soul; lips dressed in an unbelievable smile, as I listened to this Man...
Seconds turned into minutes and hours but the clock in my head was still the same, static as ever...Time became a immobile vehicle.
And Whenever reality beckoned on me, this man would hold me down with his stupefying stories until my will was rendered limp.
So they were, until he decided to leave but not without a proper introduction.
His name was Laziness