_nenye_writes_ .
1 year ago
I sit at the corner of my wall, my legs clung to my chest; and my hands covering my face. I closed my eyes, allowing memories of last night to creep in my mind.
What are these memories?
Are they the ones that never ceased to occur each night?
For every night I chose to rest I'm always awakened by creepy hands on my thighs.
Never lost but wandering fingers that have chosen to find solace only on my breasts.
Satisfying every ounce of man's urge to control.
To him, jerking his fingers off me in their language means "I WANT MORE ".
I tried to fight back tears in my eyes with every strength in me but it came running like a rush of water freed from rocks.
The feel is a burning sensation on my cheeks and the taste is too salty to be swallowed.
For every ounce of pain propelled in me they thrusted deeper with a heavy pounce.
All I could do was send my mental self to shoot invisible daggers at him.
Not just him. Also the first, maybe second then third then the fourth again oh! I already lost count of them.
When they were done satisfying their pleasure they left me with the phrase"Don't tell anyone","Keep quiet "
If you even to spit this truth no one absolutely no one will believe you.
Yes, that's what always leaves their venom tongue.
I've heard these words so many times, maybe more than the word of God.
So don't blame me when I choose to hide at the corners of my walls each day awaiting my miracle healing accompanied with time.
Because a victim is what I've always been.
@Ngaikedi Chinenyenwa Precious aka Nenye_writes.