Obayi Kimberly

Obayi Kimberly

1 year ago

❤️ **** CLIMATE MATTERS **** ❤️

Everyday in our lives we experience a lot of changes with things around us, people's behaviour and attitudes and our own personal mood changes too.
You can wake up one morning and realise how cold or hot the day can be or a beautiful bright morning you're on your way to take a relaxing day and immediately the weather begins to change so suddenly.

Now to the bigger question:

“ Why does climate matter?”

Now, beautiful people, climate is one beautiful thing I love about my environment and I'm not just talking about “ The environment” But everything that comprises of it starting from the tall, beautiful trees, sounds of different animals, the weather changes and of course the sunrise and sunset which we call the sun and the moon.

Our environment plays an impact on our lives as humans both good and bad.
That's all good but unfortunately we can also be disappointed knowing that at times the climate we admire could have a mind of its own. . We all know that we enjoy deforestation, which encourages plant growth, but when we humans take drastic action without thinking, things can get much worse.
Other climate changes such as glaciers, volcanic eruptions and droughts are also examples of catastrophic events that affect us humans.

In summary, we all have a role to play when it comes to the environment and climate change.
Our climate changes every day, but we do not. Through research, we also know why we experience climate change.
Finally, if you read my story from the beginning and understand what I mean, you will see how excited I am about climate change.

“ The climate is changing, why aren't we?” That statement is indeed correct. Our climate changes everyday but we don't. Rather we add to the problem making things worse for ourselves! We too can help keep our environment clean by recycling, involving ourselves in doing things that benefit our environment. Also knowing the reason why we experience climatic changes through research works.

Finally before I round off, if you read through what I have said from the beginning and you understood where I was driving at , you would know how excited I am about our climate change.

Let's all come together; “ Let's create a climate for change!”

Thank you.


1 year ago

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