Ndungu God'slove
1 year ago
Have you ever been kind enough
To show you care, and to show you love,
To stand for all
And to rise the fall.
Have you been kind indeed
To provide shelters for those in need,
To make them smile
Even for a while.
Be kind enough to clean my tears
Give me friendship that will last for years
Let in heart your kindness grow
Let it be kind enough to cheer my woe;
The act of kindness
Shouldn't be your weakness,
When you live for self; you live for vain
But when you live for all you live to reign.
I need from you; the word of light
For my past mistakes, to make it right,
Don't give me words that will break me down
I may be tired of falling to the ground.
What did you see in me that goes so wrong
Say it to my ear and it will be a nice song,
Don't go about and use your tongue
To condemn me, that I'm not strong.
Even if the love you give is not the one you get;
Be kind enough never to regret,
Be ye; not selfish and greed
Your brother may be in need.
Don't bring up an idea and then your conclusion continue
The person beside you may have his or her own opinion,
One act of kindness can change the world
Endeavor to do that; and it will please the lord.
#valentinepoem #lovepoetry
#theactofkindness #lovepoems
#Godslovepoems #Ndungupoems
©God'slove Ndungu