Gift Faith

Gift Faith

1 year ago

My Lessons Learnt🙏

The heading might be a little unconventional but as I typed, that was what kept coming to mind.

I decided to comment on a post right here on Nirclestories and the last two words of my comment hit me like hammer to a nail.

It's easy to complain and wonder " Why should I be thankful?". At times our lips only does the service but our hearts are far from our words.

It takes humility to learn. Ordinarily, my kids would always thank after being assisted with their take home (assignment), which I believe is the right thing to do.

My question is, how often do you thank God for every lessons learnt. You might have suffered a terrible experience but you scaled through.

You think life is meaningless, worthless and a waste of time. Have you ever wondered why the terminally ill are ready to go all out just to stay alive? Life is worth living, don't give up!

Or is it those who are wishing to be free like you but aren't? You say freedom is not only physical but mental as well. I have just this question: Who is thinking right now?

Someone once said that the fact that you have a mind that can think, reflect on whether God has done you well or not, is proof of his goodness towards you!

Have you learned to be thankful? What are you grateful for?😊 Mine will be in the comments.


1 year ago

Gift Faith

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Gift Faith @faithgift199266
I'm thankful for my health, all I've been through, and the greater things coming my way
1 year ago