chidera collinsneu
1 year ago
Have you ever wondered what it means to be mature? Not following the whole trends and being yourself? .
Maturity is the ability to delay self gratification, you cannot reach the maturity stage when you haven't really backed off from hastiness, judgement,pride, selfishness, you have to realize that you can't figure things out yourself! that's typical failure,when you realize you cannot always figure everything out, you are a step into maturity.
So the truth is everyone is a well of information, draw from it, pour yourself into something you can believe in, every single person you meet has something that could help you grow believe it or not, stop loosing helpers, stop being judgemental " look how he is, what does he have to offer" listen he has a lot to offer you'd be surprised, so stop being judgemental, a mature person never gets judgemental.
You can't say you're mature when you don't even have a goal in life, I mean why are you alive? You have to define your life, mature people are goal getters, realize! Listen I'll tell you this for free, if you don't have a goal you will live your life like a goat! It's not an insult, it's reality, get a goal.
You must learn to loose tangible things sometimes, this is like the most crucial part of being mature, never mourn over a loss or two, even failures can become pathways to success, but it all depends on you! Look at what you have left, never look at what you have lost, every end is a new start, failure isn't fatal only if you learn that it's not always going to be a happy ending.
A quick one, are you mature?