Obayi Kimberly
1 year ago
❤️ ****LOVE & PASSION**** ❤️
There's always a feeling of being wanted, needed and cared for. Love is something unexplainable, it's something amazing and magical, it's something everyone wants to feel but at the same time can be dangerous and destructive.
Loving takes a lot and it deals with a lot of challenges involved in it. Quote me when I tell people that; “ It's not easy to love someone.” Why? That's because there's a lot of sacrifices, emotions and roles to play in someone's life. Saying “ I love you.” Seems so easy to say right? The difficult part is showing that you love the person. That's when this statement is used; “ Action speaks louder than words.” Loving someone isn't the problem but showing your love to that special person you claim to Love.
Now there's something I want to point out between love and passion. Love is a feeling of understanding, patience, gratitude and submission to a person. That is loving someone despite all their flaws and imperfections. You know they have flaws and you would never change them to be what they are not but rather stick around and grow with him or her.
Now when it comes to passion, you can have passion when you're able to Love someone. When you're able to love passion then comes in. We all love to tell our partner that I care for you and it is because I care I'm willing to fight for you. When you come to terms with this realisation, that's when you begin to feel the passion of wanting to go an extra mile for your lover, you want to prove and show your lover how deeply you care for him or her.
Now that passion is a driving tool everyone needs to feel to help them push even harder despite how difficult things might be. loving without having passion is like trying to prove a love that refuses to grow no matter the effort you put it.
In conclusion, Love is beautiful and wonderful. It's really a feeling we all as humans really want to feel to know it exists somewhere out there. Unfortunately for some of us we haven't found it and we keep giving ourselves hope that someday, one day we will find it and when we do, we will cheer every single seconds, minutes and hours that passes by.
I want to tell everyone that love does exist so no need to feel sad about whether you're perfect or not perfect for someone. When you feel connected with someone you would definitely know and you wouldn't need anyone to tell you that you love that girl or you love that boy. Most importantly whatever is meant to be would surely be and whatever belongs to you will come to you as simple as that.
I hope this little write up has made you change your mind to those who still believe that love doesn't exist. If you don't , well I do and I believe everyone would be with who is worthy for them.
Thank you!