Oluwatomisin Anifowose
1 year ago
You fall in love over heels,
You decide to use pills,
Because you feel broken,
Therapeutically you have to heal,
To mend your broken heart,
With your coin token.
You pay love bills.
Can love be overly rated?
You can not also berate it.
It floods like a river of joy.
Flowing into every four,
Washing the heart sour
Lingering long in Boy,
To his lover coy.
The jiggling of two lovers
grinning toward each other
is not a lamentation
but a beautiful recommendation
to remain committed forever.
The question is?
If love is overrated
why do we still fall in love?
Why do we soar deeper
in its stream of joy?
Even in tempest times,
love guides and pleads succour.
#poetry #Nirclepietrycommunity