McPatrick Michael Linus
1 year ago
- Lamentation -
Now our daily meal
Steady on the menu
We're served hot and fresh
From the kitchen of our oppressors
Like it's siblings;
Wailing and complaining
Now our national anthem
We chorus it around everyday
Our new nomenclature
The aftermath of mediocre on the throne
Product of ineptitude and incompetency
Though their apologists bully and blackmail us
Yet we wail and lament
Their many campaign promises
Long kicked the bucket
Left us to our fate
We're in state of dissolution
To lament and wail in anguish
Book of lamentations,
Our favorite part of the scriptures
Written with us in mind
The diction, careful chosen
For our current state of lamentations
We're all now 'lamentators'
Lamenting and wailing in sorrows
Before our eyes, they cruise around with
Our Commonwealth
Leaving us to lament
By: McPatrick Michael Linus
(C) 2023