Omotolani gift
1 year ago
Within the depths of our inner realm's abyss
Lurks a subtle saboteur breeding despair
A poison consuming joy and bliss
Hard to defeat,tearing souls apart
It's venom's veiled symphony,taints the heart in harmonic discord
Malevolent melodies,cacophony of cruelty
Slithering it's way into our lives,Unseen and sly,it poisons the spirit core
With psychological manipulation,sanity is doubted,self esteem crushed
Through lies and deceit,it thrives and grows
Leaving trials of broken heart in it's throes
But let's take a stand,let love be our guide
Let's settle this unsettling nature of negative interaction and personalities
Let us swim against the current of despair
Embrace compassion and set ourselves free
Let's choose love over hate,'n spread kindness and grace
Let's rise,unite and bravely build towards a world where toxicity subside
And let toxic behavior vanish without a trace.