Euodia Eli

Euodia Eli

1 year ago


My motherland
A nation filled with beauty and grace
A nation flowing with majesty and grace
Where from coast to coast she's the envy of others
The giant Of Africa she stands tall
Her children Strive and work hard for Her growth
Her strength was found in the youth of Her leaders
And Her people's strength was found in Her
Her beauty knew know bounds
With diverse culture and ethnic groups
She's blessed beyond measures
Abundantly and lofty
Untill she burnout
And the giant came falling down slowly

Her blessings turned into curses
Her people turned against each other
Her ethnic groups divided and no longer united
The leaders she bore were no longer her strength
Her strength diminished and her soul corrupted
Her children silenced
She has been invaded and has lost
Her land spills red instead of green
She is filled with terror and fear
Her future lost amongst the chaos and injustice that now flows the land
She is filled with sorrow and laughter of sadness

How did she get here
What has become of Her
Who will be her salvation
Who will wake her from this nightmare

I have a dream
My Nigerian dream
Where the Giant will rise again amidst the thorns and stand strong
I see Her taking back Her rightful seat
A Nigeria were truly today's children are the leaders of tomorrow
And the leaders shall rebuild Her walls with bricks of Gold
A Nigeria were justice shall prevail
A Nigeria where the poor and the rich will be brothers again
A Nigeria were her unity will be found in her diversity
Where her youths will strive harder for growth
The old will beam and take pride in her shine
That her land will be green again
Her rivers shall flow blue swiftly
Her abundance flooding gracefully
Her blessings increase in million folds
Where everyone has a voice and will be heard
Her distressing past and foes all forgotten
Her children will rejoice
A new Nigeria that shall bring delight and joy to it's people
Her children shall not labour in vain
Rather she shall be blessed fruitfully by their labour
Arise O' Compatriots
Wake up and let Nigeria be great Again

#poetry #July2023poetry #poetrycontest #Nigerianpoetstories #NirclepoetryCommunity #Poet #poetcommunity #MyNigeriandream

1 year ago

Euodia Eli Praise Frank John  Emmanuel Official Nircle morgan omotayo

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