🔁 Laryx Agbe ReCircled: Thyme Disk 01
Laryx Agbe@laryxagbe848329
1 year ago
Disk 💿 01
[ Keep Thy Herbs Bring Forth Thy Thyme ]
🌹The Story started as two people was in a conversation ]
Perry said; Thyme, Guess what?
Thyme said “in a dole tone; What..? Your wedding's 😔in three days.
Perry said; No.. we are going for all the wedding clothes 👗 at noon.
Thyme said “in muddy face; Really! That’s good.😟
Perry said “as she noticed Thyme's attitude; Thyme.. What’s wrong? You're being so muddy since you came back from school today,
Thyme said; I’m fine, Auntie.
Perry said “insisting with a loving smile😊; You know you can tell me anything right, we're family,
Thyme said “in his cricked sad voice; Not for long, I think…!🤔
Perry said “ realizing Thyme’s feeling; Thyme.. it’s about the wedding 💒 right.
Thyme said “with a slow tone; You’re going away.😔
Perry said; I’m not going anywhere, it’s just a weeding, Thyme…!
Thyme said; Yeah! After the weeding then what..?
Perry said; I'm never going away, Thyme. where I go you go.
Thyme said; I want a place with good people …😔
Perry said; Wait, is those boys still bordering you.?😡
Thyme said; Aunty, It’s not just the boys, it’s the whole neighborhood, they'll keep looking at me every time I passes, giggling and momouring😠.
Perry said; I don't think so, perhaps they just wants to be your friend,
Thyme said; No.., they're all bad people, they insult me, call me names about me being different and they allow their children to hit me.
Perry said; Oh! poor child, don't mind them,one day you'll prove them all wrong.
Thyme said; How am I going to do that when I don’t know any of them and no one talks to me.
Perry said; What about that presentation.. you guys has in school, you can use that to prove them wrong by surprising them with what they don't expect 💚
Thyme said “ unsure💡; I’m not going, Auntie. They said everyone are to come with their parents and that day is your wedding day.😔
Perry said; What..! you are going to present something that will make everyone see the uniqueness in being different, don't worry about my wedding 💒.
Thyme said; What am I going to say…!
Perry said “as she pointed her hands towards Thyme’s heart❤️; I know you have what to say, just open your heart💙 and let it follow.
Thyme said “ with a huge smile on his face; Thank you Auntie
3Days later [ At The Invent ]
*Thyme, knows that this day means a lot to his Auntie and he didn’t want to ruin it for her so he left to school without his Auntie’s idea.
*Perry and her bride maids was all ready and was about to jump the wedding car 🚗 to the church.
Perry said “coming out of Thyme’s room; Where's Thyme..! my nephew..?
The Driver said “as he walked around the car 🚗; Hurry up girls we're late, they're already waiting for us.
Perry said “realizing 😥; Oh God, what am I doing, Let’s go..! we have to go get my nephew.
The Driver said “as he drove out; We don’t have that time.
Perry said; I don’t care, I have to be there for him, I need to😢.
[ At The School 🏫 Hall ]
*Almost all the students has presented, lastly Thyme was called out on the stage.
Thyme said “as he came out and stood next to the standing microphone 🎤; Hmm.. 🤔 My name is Thyme.
*Everyone started whispering.
One of the bully boy said “out loud📢; Wooo where is your presentation book? weirdo…
Thyme said “as he looks around with fear 😨; Umm...!
*A Bride in a wedding gown 👗 with her bride-maids walked into the hall with high breathing that caught everyone’s attention.
Thyme, saw that it was his Auntie.
Perry said in sign language; Calm down and open your heart and speak.
Thyme said “in sight of her Auntie; My name is Thyme
And I’m here to speak to you certainly! About Family Values and its Impact on developing society,
Have you ever stopped to think about the profound impact that family values have on the development of society..?
Families are the building blocks of our communities, and the values they instill in their members play a crucial role in shaping the kind of society we live in, When families prioritize values such as love, respect, empathy, and compassion, they not only create a nurturing environment for their own members but also contribute positively to the overall fabric of society,.
Strong family values promote unity and union within communities, fostering a sense of acceptance and solidarity among its members. Family values serve as a moral compass, guiding individuals in making ethical decisions and upholding principles of honesty and integrity,
When families lack a strong foundation of values, individuals may struggle to form meaningful connections or cope with challenges, So as we reflect on the significance of family values, let us reaffirm our commitment to nurturing these values within our own families and communities, by adjusting our own rules, religion to acceptance, because we are all human, and for doing so, we not only contribute to the well-being of our loved ones but also play a vital role in shaping a more compassionate, inclusive, and harmonious society for generations to come, because together, we can create a society where love, respect, and acceptance reign supremacy.
Thank you...
Everyone was amazed by Thyme and his speech, Mom’s, Dad’s of other students both rich and poor, was cheering 📣 .
Perry said “as she hugged🫂Thyme so tight” You did it..! I’m so proud of you, Your parents couldn’t been more happier.
Thyme said; Auntie what about your wedding 💒.
Perry said; I’m sorry, Thyme. I’ve been so selfish.
Thyme said; It’s okay, Auntie. What about your wedding? 💒
Perry said; I couldn't go without my best man!!
They went outside to the car 🚗 as they took off to the church 💒