David Daniel  Akachukwu

David Daniel Akachukwu

1 year ago

*Title: Joy of Childhood (unedited).*

The unfading joy of childhood is in its innocence,

Happiness over little and overflowing joy over nothing.

Oblivion of the policies that have forced our parents on their knees.

Unaware of the harsh hand of the economy on the back of our parents,

Ignorant of why they fight and quarrel.

We do not think about how they provide for our daily bread even when bread now costs a fortune.

Even when hunger came to fight us before our parents, at the clarion call of our playmates, hunger was defeated.

Into the freedom of the open square we dash into, we play hide and seek like the economy after our parents' lives until we are tired in joy.

We return like the hero of the century and as the champion of the village.

Our clothes and bodies showcase our little voyage in the air and on the sand,

Monkeying from tree to tree, tree to river, and back to the sand, every wide fruit we share in joy and little quarrels.

At home, our parents must provide. Now I know the cool air my father always seat out to get in the evening. I miss my childhood.

David, Daniel Akachukwu

(The writing Apostle)

1 year ago

David Daniel  Akachukwu

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