Godswill Ikielu

Godswill Ikielu

1 year ago


Why try to fit in
Where you don't belong
Why place yourself
Where isn't meant for you?

Why do you let peers
Make you fall for their pressure
What happened to the strong you
That you decided to live as a shadow.....

You've cast yourself so low
And you slowly forget about
The truth you once stood for
Now, you couldn't defend.....

What was so dreadful
That you lost your smile so beautiful
You who was so brightful
What made you become so frightful ?

What are you afraid of?
What really changed?
Is it the circle you keep?
What good are they to you
If you can't act like you
while with them ....

Ask me why
And I'll tell you
What a fool
You've become...

Cheer up
You've stooped too Low
Now, it's time to conquer
So that the WHY
Will have a nice ending....

©️ God'swill Ikielu SIMPLICITY

1 year ago

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