Okpanachi Shadrach

Okpanachi Shadrach

1 year ago


There's no joy to jingle our ears, lighten the glow on our sorry skins,
The universe have left us in pain, the circle of life standing in cold denial,
We watch our brethren clawed upon, our sisters eaten from head to toe,
The world call us preys, meat for fun and merry,
While we try to raise our young ones and live without darkness,
Why are we preys, toys in the teeth and claws of animals like us,
Why are we preys, are they more animals than us?

We wake up to the departing moans of the moon,
When we rise to cater for ourselves,
Lo, they jump on us, eating away our pride and dignity,
While we watch from a distance, wasted from doing nothing,
Why are we preys,
Why is our flesh their best meal?
Why are we preys, are they more animals than us?


1 year ago

Becky Oludayo Peleowo Okpanachi Shadrach

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