Fatai Salau
1 year ago
When tools are applied to a relationship, the volume of relationship increases, and it reduces as toil is reduced. The integration of human and tool is event. Simple human program is defining tool in size, human global position, human in height defining sitting, standing and laying, and also principles from simple spoon and food defination.
Human relationship is aimed at predicting simple human behaviour. The study of human relationship is aimed at understanding aims of tool, and how it defines human activities.
Try to read through make sure you are creative too, a simple machine can be designed.
RELATIONSHIP - Relationship is a creation of two things. It is the integration of a thing.
This is the integration of a tool, or tools where the environment is a tool.
Human relationship is the integration of human, tools, where human is also a tool.
The knowledge of a tool creates demand. When a tool is efficiently used, it co ordinates. The controling side of tool in relationship is it's use in coordination. Tool may not lead to positive result, it allows integration, whereby it is refered to in future. Thus event creation starts with knowledge which comes out of when tool is applied.
It is easier to define relationship as any two thing created by God. Relationship is two things. Thus it is simply coexistence. It is a form of integration which creates shared values. The values shared is both positive and negative. Relationship can be rated base on values attached to it. Relationships with high values are constant occurance. Most times derived value is not equal to integrated values.
On the other hand, human relationship is the relationship between humans and tools. It is the integration of tools in human endeavours. In a simple term human use tool to create events. Thus human relationship is the creation of event which is recorded in time. Relationships are unique, but it can be generazied by breaking down events into individual components. This is to say, tool can be seperated as persons are known, but the unique nature of time makes a relationship unique.