馃攣 Benjamin Ankrah ReCircled: LIFE IS PEOPLE
Benjamin Ankrah

馃攣 Benjamin Ankrah ReCircled: LIFE IS PEOPLE

Benjamin Ankrah

1 year ago

" The person who tries to live alone will not succeed as a human being."~Pewrl S. Buick.

The elevator is a wonderful idea. It helps people to climb many man made mountains called the Sky Scrapper. But life in the elevator is not the easiest. People cram into it as strangers and leave as strangers. People hardly make friends and develop meaningful relationships in the elevator.

Most often they are careful not to touch each other with their bodies, talk less of their words. No one looks at anyone,no one speaks to anyone. Everybody's primary concern is when to disembark .

The elevator is one place where you can be lonely in the midst of others. A place people hardly share thoughts with one another.

Unfortunately many people live their lives as though they are in that cubicle called the elevator. They live as if they have been immunised against any form of close and intimate relationship. Their lives are spent in isolation.

Climbing the mountains of success requires that you develop meaningful and healthy relationships. Isolation is a potent killer.

Life is people. Don't live your life as if its an elevator. Your destiny is hinged to the quality of relationships you are able to develop.

A Man who is a master at human relations is priceless. Develop the habit of greetings people. Smiling at people, loving and sharing your life with people. Use every opportunity to cultivate meaningful relationships and strive to maintain same. Living a life of isolation can only render life impotent and meaningless.

Don't travel through life as a lone ranger. Don't climb your mountains alone. Life is people, without which you are limited. Things work better when you are connected.

However, be careful not to associate with people who make you feel small and miserable. People who invade your garden of opportunity by sowing seeds of doubt, pessimism and negativity.

Don't settle for those whose only assets is their ability to complain,ridicule, gossip, criticise others and distort information.
People who touch your life on daily basis should not weigh you down, but help you on your road to destiny.

Remember People are live and Life is People.


1 year ago

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