Oluwapelumi Bolarinwa
11 months ago
But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength and power, they shall lift their wings and mount up as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.
While praying, remember to always wait on God too. Don't just pray and after a while you got tired and angry that He hasn't answered your prayers.
I know you are desperate and you are in need of urgent answer but hope you know that God Is not a magician and He's a God with rules and principles.
In part of His principles is a room called THE WAITING ROOM.
It has become a must for every true believer to enter the room of waiting before the access to any success room in life. That is why it is mandatory of you to learn and know about this room so that you won't be lost when you get there. And if you've never heard of this before, then read and follow carefully.
In this room of waiting resides, temptations, tribulations and many more, it is a test you've to go through, to know how strong you are in faith. But the most important thing is that you should discern when you're in this room and also, that time is the time to be diligent both spiritually and physically.
This waiting room is a very delicate room which requires wisdom to Navigate it through.
Most people lack discernment and wisdom in this season of waiting in their lives and as a result they fell because all they do is complaining to God, they become lazy and later backslide.
This time is a very sensitive one and it the time you receive the key to your next level. In a nutshell whenever you found yourself in this waiting room. Be optimistic and start asking God for the strength and power to wait earnestly, then ask Him what He will have you do, for it is the time for investment into the future. So as not to remain idle and be frustrated then jump into conclusion.
God can only break His protocols for you and not His principles. He is a God of orderliness.
Always discern, apply wisdom.
And learn to wait on Him!
I am Oluwapelumi Bolarinwa
📹 A writer with Vision.