Sokomba Esther A

Sokomba Esther A

1 year ago

The Road Scene

Just a loud bang and they all came to a halt!
Everyone looked at the car and the van holding hands
‘It is the car at fault!’
Oh no! ‘The van was wrong!’

The van is forced open by a wounded leg
Hopping round the ‘two’
Finally settling down in pain
No form of relief anywhere near
So many voices heard
Very little said and non-listened to
‘Where are you going to?’
‘Look at my car!’
‘You ruined your car; you mend it for all I care’...

Rants... more rants
The roaring crowed
Traffic obstruction
Impatient drivers blaring car horns
‘Leave the road!’
‘Allow free traffic flow!’

Shattered screen
The debate
Shouts and more of it
Noise at its peak
Doors opening and now closing
…. One after the other…

The crowd fading out
Victims left to bear their brunt
Traffic policeman carried on…
Nothing actually happened
No body left to say a word of it
No blood
No flame
Just a crash
Then the mess
… Yet another road scene


Photo... internet

1 year ago

Sokomba Esther A

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