Umoru Christiana

Umoru Christiana

1 year ago

I let you go..
And I watch you go...
Leaving me standing still
Yet I wanna see you moving..
You left smiling and I felt good even though me and my heart were in a thousand pieces..
And because you're moving it feels you'll turn back and I don't want you to know that I'm still stuck in the same spot..
I act like I'm moving for you to keep going....
I love you more to loose me to you...
Knowing very well you'll be happy with someone else than me..
So I beg of you don't turn don't look back...
I promise to gather my piece and run fast forward and even pass you but I'll not follow ur lane,...
I'll run in different direction so that we'll never cross paths again...
Let that smile I saw in you while leaving keep you going..,
Let's not stumble on each other paths...
Let's be like we never existed...
And don't see it that I love you more cause I don't even love me anymore but I wish to smile too ,to act strong like it' doesn't hurts.

Umoru Iyefu

1 year ago

Umoru Christiana

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