馃攣 Nircle Story ReCircled: This Turn
Nircle Story

馃攣 Nircle Story ReCircled: This Turn

Nircle Story

4 months ago

The year began on a joyful note,
Fete from last year's feast,
Hung heavy in the air,
Like jowl of a retired belly,
Among the revelers, expectancy,
Wishes flew on flippant wings,

She came with the rains,
Stole his heart from the start,
A history of the past,
Coddle, no stranger to fuss,
More nagging than haggling,
He put a penny of her yearning.

A slip, a blunder, and the maids,
Were sure to get it,
Spared no qualms about,
Doling out smack and thwack,
Dared any to tell a tale,
Spoiled beyond relief.

Then a rider came at night,
Bearing heavy tidings,
They fell on stunned hearts,
Sopped up, as if from miles away,
Startled to silence, for now the tides had turned,
When the mistress scrubbed the floors
To pay for room and board.
漏 sailabby

Photocredit: StockCake

#Poetry #Storyteller #NircleFamily #Nircle #Creative #Nirclestories #Beunique #ThisTurn #Storywriter #Paintwithwords #NircleFeeds

4 months ago

Clarkson Tivire

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