馃攣 Kehinde Margret Makinde ReCircled: LIFE IS AN EXAM
Kehinde Margret Makinde@kehindemargretmakinde
2 months ago
LIFE, and exam.
Theoretical, oral, practical, closed exams, open (book) exams, restricted, take home, multiple choiced exams, short answers exam, Long answer exams, Essay exams, Case study exams...
We are the very questions and the very answers.
The questions and answers lie in all of us;
Our very actions and reactions to...
Nature has infinite ways of coming to us to challenge us.
To meet needs and to make decisions and choices.
LIFE is an exam.
We are the very questions and the very answers.
The very mathematical solutions and the problems to be solved.
God is the Invigilator.
Karma (the Law) is the Examiner.
Nature, the record/register.
The Universe the school environment.
The Solar worlds whereon the feet tread, the exam halls.
The circumstances, events, occasions that connects us the courses so undertaken.
The needs of others, the script upon which to write.
Our very responses [actions and reactions], the questions, and answers so given.
Are our questions unanswerable and answers unquestionable by the examiner [Karma]?
While God sits above INVIGILATING.
Our Successes and Failures, the grades of these exams so taken, to be undertaken.
Our encounters, experiences...a yardstick and pointer to our grades, so far cummulated.
Ourself relative to others, the very marking scheme.
Thus, the commandment: Love your neighbour as yourself.
And the golden rule: Do unto others as you want it done unto you.
Our grades are cumulative, from one form to another.
Are we promoting, repeating, under probation?
Are we willing to learn, unlearn to relearn?