馃攣 Salsa Reviews ReCircled: ITS FLOW ITS DIRECTION
Salsa Reviews

馃攣 Salsa Reviews ReCircled: ITS FLOW ITS DIRECTION

Salsa Reviews

1 year ago

Waters of Africa!
Drop. Fall. Flow.
What quench like it
Peerless! Distinctive! Far!
Its drop, its fall erase
Its force, its rush trigger
Its ripples, its dribbles strength
Its drop, its pause draw
Its fall, its wall fight
Its flow, its whole speak
Numerous of its caustics attract
Waters of Africa!
The power of breathing; life
Waters of Africa!
The future heroes glide
Waters of Africa!
Its purpose. Its pursuit. Its p lan
Waters of Africa!
Its existence is numerous, countless
Waters of Africa!
Valued. Valuable. Enthusiastic.
Waters of Africa!
Creation art of dance
Creation art of music
Creation art of words
It's a sequence, it's all
Keep rising! Keep falling!
Waters of Africa!
Toes at its edges, drift far, drift near
Its cuddles, its fondling
Deep. Till. Brim.

PEN NAME: Artha Bellona


1 year ago

Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold Becky Oludayo Peleowo Taiwo Jemimah

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