Sokomba Esther A

Sokomba Esther A

1 year ago

When Duty Calls

I am good to go
In the heat of it
I reserved my wit
My closest friend is under my arm
This friend snifs out life from foes
Clutching it as I wonder in the deep

Wicked serenity, the wild already flee
I am a replacement for the beasts
Shooting and slewing like them
Living in trenches and camouflage
For days without a meal or a wash
Is this me?
As cruel as one with furs

This minute of reality I fear
Then the frenzy of power and vigour Takes over the next
As much as my throat calls for fluid
My bottle runs for refuge
What lurks in this deceptive pond?

To go on for days without a bite is not Much of a concern
What worries the heart is what may Feed on the body
Few snatches of sleep with nightmares
Startled by defenning explosives

News of great ones gone
pictures of loved ones who mourn
Yet advancing in regressions of numberd mercenaries
Good men all by the number
Still, when Duty Calls, I am good to go


Photo... internet

1 year ago

Emmanuel Job Sokomba Esther A

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