Obayi Kimberly

Obayi Kimberly

1 year ago

The waters of Africa, so vast and so blue,
A source of life, a source of hope, for me and you.
From the Nile to the Niger, from the Congo to the Zambezi,
The waters of Africa flow, wild and free.

In the heart of the Sahara, where the sun beats down,
The waters of Africa are nowhere to be found.
But in the lush green forests, where the rain falls,
The waters of Africa are all around.

The waters of Africa, so clear and so pure,
A gift from the heavens, that will always endure.
From the lakes of Malawi to the deltas of the Nile,
The waters of Africa, bring life with a smile.

In the depths of the ocean, where the creatures roam,
The waters of Africa, are a place to call home.
From the whales to the dolphins, from the sharks to the rays,
The waters of Africa, are where they spend their days.

The waters of Africa, so rich and so deep,
A treasure trove of secrets, that we must keep.
From the coral reefs to the shipwrecks, from the seagrass to the sand,
The waters of Africa, is a wonderland.

The waters of Africa, so full of life,
A place of beauty, a place of strife.
From the fishermen to the divers, from the tourists to the locals,
The waters of Africa, are a place for all to go.

The waters of Africa, so vast and so blue,
A source of life, a source of hope, for me and you.
From the Nile to the Niger, from the Congo to the Zambezi,
The waters of Africa flow, wild and free.


1 year ago

Ezichi Faithful Chalya Goli Obayi Kimberly

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