馃攣 Abby  Saila ReCircled: Landmark
Abby  Saila

馃攣 Abby Saila ReCircled: Landmark

Abby Saila

3 months ago

Pass the torch,
While the flames burn still,
The way forward illume,
Do we forge the path of our forebears.

Breed a new gen with a mind of its own
It's no secret that a people without vision
Trudge like a restless addict,
Falling into a ditch.

Speak to me man's thoughts,
And why his ways are filled with pebbles,
Show me the blueprint of a pallid people
Who left behind the details of the elders.

In the long run it's a principle, a right
Life that's stressed beyond limit,
When sneers cream the footprint of the elders.

Blaze a trail, dare a path
Honour while at it, the life's work of our forebears.

Photocredit: StockCake

#Poetry #Storyteller #NircleFamily #Nircle #Creative #NircleStories #MyNircleFeeds #Poet #NircleFeeds #HelloNircle #Nirclestories #African

3 months ago

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