Lazarus Daniel
1 year ago
Change is in the air
A gentle wind blowing fair
Revolution is on the horizon
Its message can no longer be denied
Injustice surrounds us
Causing our hearts to pound
The mistreatment of the vulnerable
Must no longer be allowed to go unheard
Every voice is equal
Like a breath in a cathedral
When we unite as one
Our strength is magnified
The echoes of change persist
Rising with the dawn's first light
A sound that cannot be ignored
Its power everlasting
We have remained silent for too long
Injustice has grown too strong
Now is the time to take a stand
Together, we can reshape our land
We will rise and fight
For justice and what is right
Our voices will be heard
Every word spoken will matter
The echo grows louder and stronger
Resonating with unwavering willA chorus of compassion
Rising to meet the challenge
Change is inevitable
But it is up to us to enable
A better world for all
Hear the call of change's echo.
Let us not forget
The power of a single-step
Each action we take
Creates ripples in the lake
Small deeds can bring about change
In ways that may seem strange
A smile, a helping hand
Can spread across the land
Change is not just grand
It resides in the choices we make
To act or not to act
Can impact both you and me
Let us embrace this call for change
And let our actions rearrange
The world we inhabit today
Into a brighter and kinder way
So, let us join hands and march forward
Towards the future, without trepidation
But with hope and unwavering optimism
Changing the world, day and night.
© 2023 Daniel Lazarus