A love so pure, yet left to fadeWhispered promises, unheard echoes of my heart
lynette Giselle

A love so pure, yet left to fadeWhispered promises, unheard echoes of my heart

lynette Giselle

1 month ago


A love so pure, yet left to fade
Whispered promises, unheard echoes of my heart


I loved you with a quiet intensity, like the way the moon loves the night—always there, even when unseen. I gave you my everything: my laughter, my dreams, my unspoken prayers. But your heart was a locked door, and I stood outside, knocking softly, hoping someday you might hear me.

You smiled, and the world felt brighter, but those smiles were never truly mine. You spoke, and my soul clung to your every word, yet your words belonged to another. I built a castle of hope on a foundation of glances and half-felt gestures, only to watch it crumble under the weight of reality.

I loved you for who you were, not for who I wanted you to be. But maybe that was my mistake—loving without expecting, hoping without asking, giving without receiving. You were my sun, but I was only your shadow, always there but never seen.

Now, I walk away, carrying the fragments of a love you’ll never know existed. And though my heart aches, I will hold on to the beauty of what I felt, even if it was never returned. Because love, even unreciprocated, is still a love worth remembering.


#poetry #poem #writeups #friends #neverforgetlove

1 month ago

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