Obayi Kimberly

Obayi Kimberly

1 year ago

❤️ *** “ MY STORY ” *** ❤

My story is a tale for another day,
since you ask, I just have to say,
I was a little girl growing up,
i wanted so many choices and luck,
i wanted love and f*ck
i wanted happiness that I fought
All of these wasn't enough
I had such bad luck!
I wondered why I had to exist
why I had to stand still
though I knew it would break me...
It's something I can't comprehend
My life alone is just hell!
To me is like am reliving my pain in agony
Thorns in my flesh,
oh! What an irony...
I...I gosh it's so hard,
so so f*cking hard to withstand,
My memories flashing in my eyes
with tears coursing down as I cried
My heart was torn completely apart!
This miserable Planet they call earth
f*ck it! screw it! it's dead!
Why must it always be me!?
Why must I always forfeit!?
I just can't bear it all by myself!
It's no place for me yet I relent.
with each day passing me by I grumble and pray,
i keep gazing at what left of me still remained,
Is either I die,
I had to choose one way.
Death doesn't solve anything!
Still it keeps ringing in my head
Kill yourself, do it!
I scream and shout no!
with my eyes soaked in tears,
Each drops makes me scared
Can I be another me?
can't I have my dreams fulfilled?
can't I be happy, be in love and kiss?
can't I do this?
Life has its own part to play,
a party of agony and pain,
Yes, that's right! I say again.
This life doesn't make any sense!
it's completely worthless!
If I keep going on I may not stop
This is the level it has reached oh God!
Man of little faith you say?
Don't you believe ?
Yes I do but I am too weak!
Don't fear I am always here!
even when you were small my friend.
I took that as an insight,
To fill up my broken heart,
Ah! Kim you're a fool you know?
I say to myself laying my load.
Well I'm just like everyone else,
No minus or addition,
I have to love myself a little less
I know my life will turn out great.
A little advice from me,
Don't be like me.
Always take on your challenges,
Never allow it to turn you aggressive,
Create your path,
your destiny!
It only lies in your hands,
fill it with plants and watch it grow magnificently!

This is for those who needs to listen and pass through challenges everyday. I hope through the power of poetry you would finally have a reason to smile and never give up.


Thank you!

1 year ago

morgan omotayo

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