Emmanuel Fidelis
1 year ago
Title: Celestial Ballet
Beneath a canopy of ink-black sky,
A grand ballet commences, way up high.
Celestial dancers twirl and spin,
Painting the night with their cosmic grin.
Meteors in pirouettes gracefully sway,
As stardust cascades in a shimmering display.
Luminous comets with their trailing gowns,
Dance across galaxies, crossing bounds.
The moon, a prima ballerina, shines bright,
Gliding through constellations with effortless flight.
She guides the stars in their celestial waltz,
As galaxies sway to the music's exalting pulse.
The sun, an unseen conductor above,
Sets the stage for this ballet of love.
Planets as dancers, each with its own pace,
Waltzing through space in harmonious embrace.
Saturn's rings form a tutu so divine,
Jupiter's grace, like a maestro's sign.
Neptune's subtle sway, like a gentle breeze,
Uranus pirouettes with unparalleled ease.
Venus and Mars, in a passionate duet,
Revolving around each other, never to forget.
Mercury, the nimblest of all,
Glides and sways in a fiery thrall.
In this grand theater, no boundaries constrain,
As galaxies and stars perform a cosmic reign.
Their ethereal movements create a display,
A celestial ballet in the Milky Way.
So let us look up and behold with awe,
The dance of the heavens, in amazement draw.
For within this celestial ballet's grandeur,
Lies the universe's eternal allure.