馃攣 ibrahim ibrahim ReCircled: MY CHILD:
ibrahim ibrahim@ibrahimibrahim872314
1 year ago
#poetry connection
If the world would be so fair though l don't deserve it's fairness. If the heavens would be so kind though the kindness l deserve not. Then may the earth be merciful enough to grant me this favour, may l adress my child for the hundredth time. I was young, l was foolish, l was hopeless and lost l didn't know what to do. My path suddenly became dark, l didn't know how l would face the world with you by my side am sorry for giving pathetic excuses. But my education, my life back then, my parents, my schoolmates, age mates my world back then. They were all to come down back then. I wanted to protect my future even when l knew the path l choose was wrong and the wage of my sin was too hard for me to bare so l tried to escape go free without paying the price. Opting for an abortion and running away from what I had to pay in return for destroying thy youthful stage in the name of fun and curiosity. My child it's twenty years down the line, every night l cry and write a thousand letters seeking thy forgiveness. Am a murderer, am a monster, pathetic, a disgrace to the female gender the bearers of the nations. My actions hunt me every night the bloody scene, l denied you life even before you had the chance to experience it. Will l ever get a child to call my own? The taxi driver said young age doesn't lessen the weight of sin, regardless of who threw the stone it sinks the same. Either ways am still a murderer. Forgiveness l need to forgive me self child first. I don't know how but someday l will it may weigh down the burden that l heavily ferry in thy heart.