Hope Ayorinde
1 year ago
Osupa - The Moon
We have doused
the fire of the coal
scrapped the last oddment
from the pot.
Osupa sits highly above us
watching with a waning smile.
The cricket's chirp
from the corner
reminded me how
we have 'bubbled up bellywise'
from the silent prayers
of our mouth and hands.
I could see my surely shape
shadowing my reflection on the plane.
A fortnight ago
the man with signage cap
became our president
and Osupa like fortune shone on us.
I see my father, sitting cross-legged
watching osupa, lost in thought.
My young mind could not comprehend
the loud whispers from his somber mood
yet I prayed we see better days
and not watch Osupa fade away.

1 year ago

1 year ago