Damilola Shittu
1 year ago
In a room filled with people…
Chattering and Cheering
Grins and Giggles
Shoes and Accessories
Food and Wine
Could this be all, or there's still more?
Men and Women alike
The young and the Adult
The infants and the Aged
The weakened and the Mighty
Could this be all, or there's still more?
Mind drifting
Thoughts processing
Soul wandering
Heart thinking
Could this be all, or there's still more?
Hidden behind the grins
Are concealed thoughts going through each mind
Deceptive, slothful, unhappy, hurting, and spikeful hearts…
No one knows which belongs to each
The beadings are all a facade
It's all a show to show after all
In a room filled with people…
All together but not together.