馃攣 Art Dainty ReCircled
Art Dainty@daintyart719445
4 months ago
#art #upcomingartexhibition
Title: within oneself
medium: Oil on canvas
size: 50 x 60 cm
Artist: Ukeme Daniel
Work Description:
"Within oneself"
This painting is a visual interpretation of the hidden world in us, that within oneself is a river of wealth, greatness,riches, success, victory, just to mention a few. We don't have to go 360掳 or 180掳c for all we need is within us. There's no where in the world one could search for wealth except the one concealed in him. Although sometimes we forget about this truth. This painting seeks to remind the world that "every action begins with a thought and everything our eyes can see today was possibly because it was once existing "within oneself" as just a little flame of idea.
So therefore, creation started within oneself of a supreme being,and today art as a means of creation proof that there's always the unseen world within oneself.
hope this Painting will serves as reminder to everyone that comes across it that "within oneself" is a ray of hope.